Symptoms you can't put your finger on...

Hey my homie,

Many people go through life suffering from symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, recurrent yeast infections, digestive issues, skin rashes, and headaches.

They go to the doctor and are told they look just fine, it must all be in their head…

Little do they know, these diverse symptoms often can stem from a single culprit—Candida albicans.

I battled a stubborn chronic Candida overgrowth alongside mold toxicity.

Even though I was doing everything right in the mold treatment department, Candida proved to be a major roadblock to my full recovery.

Plus, it greatly contributed to my chronic fatigue and cognitive issues (not fun).

What is candida?

Candida is a yeast commonly found in the human body, particularly in the mouth, throat, gut, and genitourinary tract.

In most cases, it coexists peacefully with the trillions of other microbes in our microbiome.

But when the microbiome gets disrupted by chronic stress, a high-sugar diet, antibiotics, or other factors, this opportunistic fungus can take over, leading to a cascade of health problems...

Candida symptoms

Common symptoms of Candida overgrowth include:

  • Digestive issues like bloating, gas, constipation, nausea, and acid reflux.
  • Chronic fatigue even after adequate sleep.
  • Brain fog and cognitive dysfunction.
  • Oral symptoms such as thrush (white patches on the tongue, inner cheeks, gums, or tonsils).
  • Skin and nail issues like rashes, redness, eczema or psoriasis, or fungal infections.
  • Vaginal yeast infections, recurring UTIs, and jock itch in men.
  • Mood disorders like anxiety, depression, and irritability.
  • Sugar and carbohydrate cravings.
  • Joint pain, headaches, and more…

Many people live with these symptoms, struggling to pinpoint the root cause—often misdiagnosing Candida.

Testing for candida

With so many common and overlapping symptoms,

Candida overgrowth can be tested through various methods, from simple at-home tests to detailed lab analyses.

Here are the most common approaches:

At-Home Spit Test

How it works: First thing in the morning, before eating or drinking anything, spit into a glass of water. Over 15–30 minutes, observe the saliva. If it sinks, forms strings, or appears cloudy, it may indicate Candida overgrowth.

Limitations: This test is not scientifically validated and is considered unreliable by many healthcare professionals.

Stool Analysis

How it works: A stool sample is analyzed in a lab to detect Candida overgrowth in the gut. The test can also identify other imbalances in gut flora.

Benefits: Provides a detailed analysis of the gut microbiome and Candida levels.

Limitations: Stool tests are comprehensive but can be costly and require a healthcare provider's order.

I recommend this stool test: Viome

Blood Tests

Candida Antibodies Test: Measures antibodies (IgG, IgA, and IgM) to Candida in the blood, indicating whether the immune system is reacting to an overgrowth.

Complete Blood Count (CBC): This may reveal elevated white blood cell counts, which can suggest an infection or overgrowth.

Benefits: Blood tests can provide insight into systemic Candida infections.

Limitations: May not be as effective for detecting localized Candida overgrowth (e.g., in the gut).

Urine Test

Organic Acids Test (OAT): Measures specific organic acids in the urine, such as Arabinose, Oxalic Acid, and Tartaric Acid, which are byproducts of Candida metabolism. Elevated levels can indicate Candida overgrowth.

Benefits: Non-invasive and can provide insights into Candida activity in the body.

Limitations: Not all healthcare providers offer this test, and it may need to be ordered through a specialized lab.

I recommend this OAT: MosiacDX (previously Great Plains Laboratory)

Throat or Vaginal Swab

How it works: A healthcare provider collects a sample from the mouth, throat, or vagina, which is then cultured in a lab to detect Candida species.

Benefits: Directly identifies Candida in specific areas like the mouth or genitourinary tract.

Limitations: Only detects Candida in the sampled area, not systemic overgrowth.

If you discover a Candida overgrowth from the diagnostic methods above, here’s your next move.

The Ultimate Candida Elimination Protocol

This approach tackles Candida overgrowth head-on by addressing root causes, using holistic treatments, and restoring microbial balance.

1) Address root causes

Although it’s obvious, tackling the root causes of Candida overgrowth is crucial for achieving full remission and preventing future flare-ups.

But it’s often the most overlooked…

Everyone wants to take shortcuts and come out of the gate swingin’ trying to hit Candida hard with powerful antifungals from the start.

This might push it back temporarily, but the problem is likely to return–it’s only a matter of time.

Here are the most common causes of candida overgrowth:

Chronic stress

Stress impacts your body in two key ways, both of which can make your body a prime environment for Candida growth.

In response to stress, your body releases cortisol. Cortisol, in and of itself isn’t either good or bad, it plays a crucial function in the body.

When cortisol is constantly high, it weakens your immune system and spikes blood sugar to give you extra energy during stress.

Candida thrives on sugar, so elevated blood sugar feeds it while your weakened immune system struggles to keep it in check.

Easing stress is one of the first lines of defense to enhance your immunity and at the same time, reduce your blood sugar levels – keeping your microbiome balanced and candida in check!

Prescription: Try stress-relief practices such as meditation, breathwork, neurofeedback, cold plunges, EFT tapping, forest bathing, and/or adaptogens.


Antibiotics can be lifesavers, but inappropriate use—unfortunately all too common—can lead to severe negative consequences.

A single course of antibiotics can wipe out harmful bacteria but also destroy many of the beneficial bacteria in your gut…

These bacteria are crucial for your immune system. [1]

Disrupting this microbial balance can leave your body vulnerable to harmful bacteria and fungi, like Candida, which can quickly take over. [2]

Prescription: Use antibiotics only for life-threatening infections. For everything else, opt for natural alternatives like oil of oregano, methylene blue, berberine, and colloidal silver.

Toxin exposure (especially mold)

We live in an era of pervasive toxicity—from our food and water to the air we breathe and the products we use.

I’m talking about chemicals such as heavy metals, PFAs, phthalates, bisphenols, agricultural chemicals, VOCs, and more. It’s a toxic soup!!!

These toxins can kill beneficial gut bacteria, weaken our immune system, and let Candida thrive.

Plus, mold toxins from water-damaged buildings—something I know all too well—are among the most toxic, immunosuppressive, and biome-disruptive substances out there. [3]

With the EPA estimating that 50% of buildings have had water damage, it’s crucial to check your living and work spaces for mold. Trust me—you don’t want to face mold toxicity and Candida at the same time. It’s hell.

Reducing toxin exposure is vital for safeguarding our health and also helping reduce the chance of Candida proliferation.

Prescription: Use natural cleaning and personal care products, purify your air and water, check your home for mold, and eat organic foods.

High-sugar diet

The Western diet, packed with excessive sugar and carbs, is a feeding frenzy for Candida.

This includes sugar, sugary foods, and anything that converts to sugar—like whole and refined carbs, from potatoes and white flour to fruits. All can fuel Candida overgrowth.

Sugar can disrupt the immune system and is a major contributor to inflammation. [4][5]

Managing sugar intake is crucial for both addressing the root cause of Candida and effective treatment.

This brings us to step two of the Ultimate Candida Elimination Protocol: the Candida Diet.

2) Starve Candida with the Anti-Candida diet

Since sugar (glucose) fuels Candida, the first line of defense is to deprive it of its food and starve it out.

This means cutting carbohydrates as much as possible—not just eliminating added sugars.

It means eliminating all processed and natural sugars from your diet—fruits, grains, baked goods, chips, candy, etc.

if you’re serious about fighting your Candida overgrowth you should also steer clear of most fruits as well as starchy vegetables like potatoes and yams.

Reading food labels is key because so many foods have added sugars lurking within…

🚦Here’s the no-go list (steer clear of these):

Sugar & sweeteners: agave, cane sugar, honey, maple syrup, molasses, and sugar (yes, your coconut sugar too).

Grains: Amaranth, barley, bulgur, brown rice, buckwheat, farro, millet, oats, quinoa, rye, spelt, sorghum, wild rice, wheat, white rice, etc.

High-sugar fruits: Bananas, cherries, dates, figs, grapes, mangoes, oranges, pineapple, pomegranate, raisins, tangerines, etc.

Starchy vegetables: Beets, butternut squash, carrots (in large quantities), corn, parsnips, potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, etc.

Refined/processed oils & fats: canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, grapeseed oil, hydrogenated oils, margarine, soybean oil, sunflower oil, etc.

Alcoholic beverages & sugary drinks: ANY sweetened beverage, beer, cider, fruit juice, gin, kombucha, rum, vodka, whiskey, wine

I get it—you’re probably wondering, “What the hell can I eat?

Remember, this isn’t a forever diet.

It’s an aggressive protocol to tackle Candida overgrowth quickly and effectively.

At the same time, you’ll enjoy other delicious foods and develop a healthier, nutrient-dense way of eating.

These foods won’t just help you beat Candida—they’ll also boost your overall health and mental well-being!

🚦Here are your green-light foods (load up on these):

🟢 Protein: Beef, bison, chicken, elk, lamb, low-mercury fish (anchovies, haddock, herring, sardines, wild-caught salmon), organ meat, turkey, venison, etc.

🟢 Non-starchy Vegetables: Artichokes, arugula, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, onions, rutabaga, spinach, tomatoes, zucchini, etc.

🟢 Low-sugar fruits: Avocado, lemon, lime, olives, etc.

🟢 Healthy oils & fats: Avocado oil, butter, coconut oil, fish oil, ghee, krill oil, lard, olive oil, red palm oil, and tallow.

🟢 Sweeteners: Erythritol, stevia, and xylitol.

🚦Here’s the suspect list (eat these in small amounts or cut them out completely, depending on the severity of your Candida overgrowth):

🟡 Nuts & seeds: Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, chia, hazelnuts, hemp hearts, macadamia, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc.

🟡 Other high-mold-containing foods: Cheese, chocolate, coffee, cured meats, etc.

Being a big advocate of utilizing food as medicine, here are some foods to incorporate into your diet that will help boost the efficacy of your candida elimination protocol:

⚔️Candida-fighting foods: Bone broth, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, coconut oil, fermented foods, garlic, ginger, olive oil, onion, pumpkin seeds, rutabaga, seaweed, turmeric.

3) Antifungals

After starving Candida of its main fuel (glucose), it's time to strike hard—knock the overgrowth down to a manageable level so your microbiome and immune system can keep it in check.

You've got options.

Pharmaceutical antifungals like Diflucan and Nystatin are common choices, with Itraconazole reserved for severe cases.

However, there's increasing evidence that Candida species, such as Candida albicans, are developing resistance to prescription antifungals. [6]

Prescription antifungals often come with nasty side effects like rashes, itching, nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, and liver issues.

That’s why I prefer an herbal and natural antifungal approach.

Natural antifungals tend to have a lower likelihood of promoting resistance compared to synthetic antifungals for several reasons:

✅ Natural antifungals pack multiple active compounds working together to fight fungi. Their complexity makes it tough for fungi to develop resistance since they would need to adapt to several different mechanisms at once.

✅ They hit fungi from all angles—disrupting cell membranes, inhibiting enzyme activity, and halting fungal growth and reproduction (Candida can’t stand a chance!).

✅ Botanicals exhibit a broad-spectrum antifungal activity, targeting a wide range of fungal species, unlike the narrow focus of many pharmaceuticals.

✅ Lastly, these natural compounds often boost the host’s (your) immune system, creating a dual attack that reduces the chances of resistance since fungi have to battle both the antifungal agents and the immune response!

Natural antifungals FTW!!!

Here are my Natural Antifungal Dozen for Candida:

  1. Pau D’Arco
  2. Horopito (Polygodial) by Kolorex
  3. Black walnut
  4. Oregano oil
  5. Caprylic acid
  6. Undecylenic acid
  7. Grapefruit seed extract
  8. Cinnamon
  9. Garlic
  10. Goldenseal
  11. Berberine
  12. NAC

Pick 3 from the list and cycle as needed. Use them for 60 days as a solid starting point, adjusting based on your needs.

4) Die-off and detox

It’s best to slowly ramp up your antifungal protocol.

If you come out of the gate swinging, killing off too much Candida all at once, your body can suffer some major consequences…

This is known as “die-off” or a Herxheimer reaction (Herx for short).

It’s a temporary worsening of symptoms when Candida yeast cells are rapidly killed off, releasing toxins into the body.

This can cause flu-like symptoms, brain fog, fatigue, and other discomforts as your body clears out the dead yeast and its toxins.

Die-off can be a bitch, and it’s no fun dealing with it while juggling work or other responsibilities.

However, die-off symptoms are sometimes unavoidable when introducing antifungals, but aim to keep them minimal. It can cause a lot of unnecessary inflammation and immune activation.

Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing helps prevent a Herx.

Here are some other things to consider to reduce die-off and quickly eliminate dead Candida cells:

  • If you experience a die-off reaction, try Alka Seltzer Gold and fresh lemon juice. They help alkalize your body and ease symptoms.
  • Support your liver and detox organs with milk thistle, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), liposomal glutathione, red sage, and gentian.
  • Use detox binders like activated charcoal, bentonite clay, zeolite, acacia, and glucomannan to remove die-off toxins FAST and make sure they aren’t being circulated in your body!

5) Balance your biome

After a victorious battle with those pesky fungal organisms and knocking down the microbial load, it’s time to bring harmony to your biome!

Probiotics are crucial for boosting microbial diversity, keeping harmful bacteria in check, and ensuring a balanced gut environment.

Fermented foods are essential.

They’re packed with live beneficial bacteria that enhance the food’s nutrient profile and support gut health. Eating fermented foods delivers live bacteria straight to your gut.

Good fermented food options are sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, yogurt, etc.

To take it a step further, supplementing with probiotics is a wonderful insurance policy to safeguard your microbiome.

But, unfortunately, many standard probiotics don’t survive the harsh conditions of the GI tract, rendering them useless and a waste of money.

The only supplemental probiotics that do are:

Spore-based probiotics

Spore-based probiotics are derived from bacterial spores (typically from the Bacillus genus).

These spores have a tough outer shell that protects them from harsh conditions like stomach acid and allows them to survive better through the digestive tract.

Once they reach the intestines, these spores can germinate into active bacteria and colonize the microbiome.

Megasporebiotic is my favorite spore-based probiotic and is stable at room temperature.

Soil-based probiotics

Soil-based probiotics are derived from microorganisms found in soil.

What I love is that these are a more ancestral approach to probiotic supplementation compared to lab-cultured strains.

They are unique because they've evolved to survive harsh conditions like sunlight, heat, and other stressors.

And have been shown to offer greater therapeutic benefits for immune function, digestion, and overall gut health.

I like Functional Medicine Formulations’ soil-based probiotics.

There you have it!

Candida is a major culprit in many health issues but often goes unnoticed…

Modern conditions let this opportunistic pathogen thrive, causing discomfort and symptoms that many don’t even realize are linked to it!

This is the Ultimate Candida Elimination Protocol in full form.

I've used this protocol to combat Candida and restore my cognitive function, energy, and gut health.

It distills all the essential knowledge on Candida overgrowth into an action-packed guide. If you’re dealing with fungal dysbiosis, it’s designed to help you overcome and thrive!

Got questions? Just reply—I’ll be checking my email and will get back to you today!

Thanks for reading and being part of the NeuroDoses community!

Keep kickin’ ass,


The NeuroDose by Onjae Malyszka

Think clearer, focus longer, and feel happier with cutting-edge, research-backed health strategies. Dive into psychedelics, natural medicine, and biohacking, where modern science meets ancient wisdom for peak performance!

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