A microdose stack for depression ☀️

Hey friend,

If you're fed up with the relentless cycle of depression meds—one drug after another, maxed-out doses, and still no relief…

…only to end up numb, emotionally flatlined, merely surviving each day instead of truly living and thriving.

And never uncovering or healing the root of your emotional turmoil…

…then listen up!

I know what it’s like to plunge into an endless pit of darkness and despair.

In my early twenties, I fought a long, grueling battle with depression.

I was lost, directionless, and completely hopeless.

There were moments when I couldn't find a reason to keep going. In the depths of darkness, I even considered suicide because I saw no way out.

And I know countless others face this struggle every single day…

On the outside, I seemed fine, but inside, I felt like I was decaying.

There’s a lot to unpack about why I went through this.

One reason I shared in a previous newsletter was that my mind was completely consumed by an eating disorder—a response to a life spiraling out of control.

Another reason depression lingered so close was that, just as I recovered from my eating disorder, I was thrown into a chronic illness that continued to derail my life even further.

During this time, a light bulb finally went off—I felt an intuitive pull back to the passion and mind expansion I had experienced with psychedelics in my teens.

But this time, it was different—more intentional, focused on healing, and ultimately, reclaiming my life.

I rekindled my connection with psychedelics through microdosing.

It was a game-changer at first, helping me cultivate a healthier relationship with myself—one grounded in self-love and acceptance.

I developed a renewed appreciation for life, despite the battles I had faced and the new challenges ahead.

However, the initial benefits plateaued, and at times, I found myself slipping back into the same negative thought patterns and emotional imbalances that had kept me in darkness.

It wasn’t until I began combining other compounds into a microdose formula (AKA microdose stacking) that I experienced the most impactful and long-lasting results.

What is microdose stacking?

Microdosing is incredible, but it’s more of a broad-spectrum therapy. It can address a wide range of conditions like depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, ADHD, cognitive issues, and more. [1]

But it might not provide the therapeutic depth needed to overcome certain conditions fully…

That's where microdose stacking truly shines!

Microdose stacking combines different herbs, supplements, and nutraceuticals to achieve more targeted and precise effects tailored to your unique goals, symptoms, or conditions.

Microdose stacking:

  1. Potentiates your microdose—maximizing the therapeutic bang for your buck!
  2. Creates a synergistic effect—enhancing outcomes when multiple compounds are combined, resulting in benefits greater than the sum of their parts.
  3. Fine-tunes and delivers precise benefits—rather than a buckshot approach, you take the sniper route with laser-sharp therapeutic precision tailored to your health needs and goals.
  4. Reduces tolerance buildup—keeping your microdose just as effective months down the line.

Stacking can boost the potency, absorption, and effectiveness of your microdose while balancing potential side effects for a more holistic and powerful healing experience.

It’s about elevating the amazing benefits and therapeutic power of microdosing for even greater efficacy!


Here’s the microdose stack I crafted to overcome depression, which I’ve also used with clients for incredible results.

It’s filled with science-backed compounds that possess powerful antidepressant properties, working together harmoniously to help you overcome depression.

So you can break free from the vicious cycle of pharmaceutical antidepressant dependence—no more numbing or spinning your wheels for years, only to come off the meds and find you’re no better off than when you started…

BrightMind Blend: a depression-relieving microdose stack

You’ll start with your microdosing medicine as the foundation.

For many, including myself, psilocybin mushrooms are the go-to choice (especially when considering accessibility).

A typical microdose of psilocybin mushrooms ranges from 100 to 500 mg, depending on the strain's potency and individual tolerance.

Next, you stack these compounds with your microdose to create your powerful depression-busting formula.

Note: These compounds are safe to take with serotonergic psychedelics like psilocybin, LSD, DMT, and mescaline.

However, be cautious when combining with microdoses of ibogaine, ketamine, or MDMA.

1. Sulbutiamine

Sulbutiamine is made of two vitamin B1 (thiamine) molecules linked together, enhancing thiamine's ability to cross the blood-brain barrier.

It has been shown to improve memory [2] enhance mood, relieve depression, and boost cognition. In a clinical trial, users reported feeling "clearheaded, composed, and energized." [3]

Since Sulbutiamine is a unique synthetic compound—not exactly a supplement but not a pharmaceutical either—it has faced FDA scrutiny despite its safety and effectiveness.

Because of this scrutiny, many suppliers have discontinued it, leaving Double Wood Supplements as the exclusive source.

Dosage: 400 – 1,000 mg per day

*Get Sulbutiamine here ↘ Double Wood Supplements

2. St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum) is one of the best and strongest herbal anti-depressants.

Scientists have concluded that it’s as effective as pharmaceutical antidepressants for treating depression but has fewer adverse effects. [4]

The way it helps depression is by increasing serotonin and dopamine signaling [5], reducing inflammation in the brain and nervous system, and protecting the brain.

Just be careful when taking it alongside pharmaceutical medications, especially MAOI anti-depressants.

And yes, you can take it alongside psilocybin and LSD—confirmed here by the Godfather of Microdosing himself, Dr. James Fadiman!

Dosage: 600 – 1,800 mg per day (standardized to 0.3% hypericin)

*Get St. Johns Wort here ↘ Vital Nutrients

3. Rhodiola rosea

When I’m feeling depressed, my energy tanks, and even getting out of bed feels like a struggle.

The things that normally light me up? I can’t even find the energy to care.

Rhodiola is my go-to herbal medicine for a powerful boost of physical and mental energy, drive, and motivation. It ignites me and gets me moving again!

Rhodiola is an adaptogen, an herb that helps us resist and overcome the damaging effects of stress—and depression is one of the biggest stressors out there.

One study showed that Rhodiola significantly reduced symptoms of depression and emotional instability in people with mild to moderate depression. [6]

Another study found that Rhodiola was as effective as Sertraline (Zoloft), but with fewer side effects and much better tolerance. [7]

Dosage: 150 – 200 mg per day (Standardized to 3% rosavins and 1% salidrosides for optimal potency and effectiveness.)

*Get Rhodiola rosea here ↘ Oregon’s Wild Harvest

4. Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR)

This is acetylated carnitine, an amino acid modified for better absorption and utilization by the body.

It’s a powerful brain enhancer, supporting brain cell function, and boosting mental energy and alertness.

Many don’t realize that ALCAR possesses natural antidepressant properties!

It enhances neuron mitochondria, elevates BDNF levels for optimal brain function, and balances serotonin levels! [8]

A double-blind, randomized controlled trial found ALCAR to be just as effective as pharmaceutical antidepressants in treating chronic depression over 12 weeks! [9]

Listen up, MDMA lovers! ALCAR has been shown to protect against the oxidative damage and neurotoxic effects of Ecstasy. [10]

So next time you hit a rave and pop some Molly, make sure to have ALCAR on hand or in your system!

Dosage: 500 – 2,000 mg per day

*Get Acetyl-L-Carnitine here ↘ NOW Foods

5. Omega-3

Omega-3s might just be the most underrated natural antidepressant out there!

These vital fatty acids are essential for optimal brain and nervous system function, performance, and overall well-being!

Omega-3s reduce brain inflammation, boost mood, and protect against cognitive impairment and neurodegeneration. [11]

In the Western world, our brains are starved of Omega-3s due to their scarcity in the modern diet. With Omega-6 fatty acids dominating our food, this imbalance fuels inflammation and other health issues.

Researchers have found a strong correlation between low omega-3 levels and individuals with depression! [12]

Dosage: Aim for 1,000 – 2,000 mg of combined EPA and DHA daily for general health. For conditions like depression, some studies suggest boosting it to 3,000 mg a day for even greater benefits!

The only company I trust to provide the highest-quality Omega-3 fatty acid supplements is Nordic Naturals.

*Get Ultimate Omega here ↘ Nordic Naturals

6. Lion’s Mane

Lastly, to weave the complete BrightMind microdose stack together, Lion’s Mane is the finishing touch!

When you’ve been stuck in depression for years or decades, your brain wires itself to remain in that state. This is where neuroplasticity backfires, a phenomenon I call “unproductive neuroplasticity.”

Lion’s Mane can help facilitate you getting unstuck and rewiring new neural pathways—ones that will support a balanced and optimized mental-emotional landscape.

In a 2010 randomized controlled trial of 30 women dealing with menopause, depression, and sleep issues, participants ate Lion’s Mane-infused cookies or a placebo for 4 weeks. The result? Lion’s Mane significantly reduced depression and anxiety. [13]

And of course, Lion’s Mane is a powerful cognitive enhancer that boosts focus, memory, and mental energy—areas often impacted by depression!

Dosage: The standard Lion’s Mane dosage is 500 – 1,000 mg per day (20% to 50% polysaccharides), with higher doses up to 3,000 mg suggested for cognitive benefits.

*Get Lion’s Mane extract here ↘ Nootropics Depot

Putting it all together

Here’s the BrightMind Blend fully stacked:

  • Psilocybin mushrooms: 100 – 500 mg
  • Sulbutiamine: 400 – 1,000 mg
  • St. John’s Wort: 600 – 1,800 mg
  • Rhodiola rosea: 150 – 200 mg
  • Acetyl-L-Carnitine: 500 – 2,000 mg
  • Omega-3: 1,000 – 2,000 mg
  • Lion’s Mane: 500 – 3,000 mg

Now, just add these to your microdose!

You can even split some doses throughout the day.

The beauty of microdose stacking is that you can keep the benefits rolling on your “off days” too!

But remember, to maximize your microdose (and stack) benefits, actively combine it with biohacking, lifestyle changes, skill-building, habit formation, mindfulness, and more.

Integration is key!

Microdosing is a powerful tool, and I’m here to tell you—you can supercharge it with microdose stacking!

By developing a custom formula of herbs, supplements, and nutraceuticals tailored to your specific needs and goals, you can take your microdosing to the next level.

It’s especially powerful when you hit a plateau in your microdosing practice—switching things up can break through that ceiling and unlock new benefits that are fine-tuned to YOU!

The BrightMind Blend was carefully crafted and personally used by me to navigate the darkness of depression—I know its potency firsthand.

It's a response and hopefully a solution for those trapped in the darkness, fed up with endless pharmaceuticals, diminishing returns, increasing side effects, and a deep desire to address the root cause of their suffering!

I’m curious—have you tried “stacking” your microdose?

If so, hit reply and let me know.

If you have any questions, just send them my way.

I'll be checking my inbox throughout the day and would love to chat about microdosing and microdose stacking!

Thanks for reading and see you next Saturday,


* = I am NOT affiliated with any of these products or companies.


[1] Anderson, T., Petranker, R., Christopher, A., et al. "Psychedelic Microdosing Benefits and Challenges: An Empirical Codebook." Harm Reduction Journal, vol. 16, no. 43, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12954-019-0308-4.

[2] Bizot, Jean-Charles et al. “Chronic treatment with sulbutiamine improves memory in an object recognition task and reduces some amnesic effects of dizocilpine in a spatial delayed-non-match-to-sample task.” Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry vol. 29,6 (2005): 928-35. doi:10.1016/j.pnpbp.2005.04.035

[3] Benton, D et al. “Thiamine supplementation mood and cognitive functioning.” Psychopharmacology vol. 129,1 (1997): 66-71. doi:10.1007/s002130050163

[4] Linde, Klaus et al. “St John's wort for major depression.” The Cochrane database of systematic reviews vol. 2008,4 CD000448. 8 Oct. 2008, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD000448.pub3

[5] Butterweck, Veronika. “Mechanism of action of St John's wort in depression: what is known?.” CNS drugs vol. 17,8 (2003): 539-62. doi:10.2165/00023210-200317080-00001

[6] Darbinyan, V et al. “Clinical trial of Rhodiola rosea L. extract SHR-5 in the treatment of mild to moderate depression.” Nordic journal of psychiatry vol. 61,5 (2007): 343-8. doi:10.1080/08039480701643290

[7] Mao, Jun J et al. “Rhodiola rosea versus sertraline for major depressive disorder: A randomized placebo-controlled trial.” Phytomedicine: international journal of phytotherapy and phytopharmacology vol. 22,3 (2015): 394-9. doi:10.1016/j.phymed.2015.01.010

[8] Wang, Sheng-Min et al. “A review of current evidence for acetyl-l-carnitine in the treatment of depression.” Journal of Psychiatric Research vol. 53 (2014): 30-7. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2014.02.005

[9] Zanardi, R, and E Smeraldi. “A double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial of acetyl-L-carnitine vs. amisulpride in the treatment of dysthymia.” European neuropsychopharmacology: The Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology vol. 16,4 (2006): 281-7. doi:10.1016/j.euroneuro.2005.10.005

[10] Alves, E., et al. "Acetyl-l-carnitine Provides Effective in Vivo Neuroprotection over 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced Mitochondrial Neurotoxicity in the Adolescent Rat Brain." Neuroscience, vol. 158, no. 2, 2009, pp. 514-523, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2008.10.041. Accessed 21 Sept. 2024.

[11] Wei, Bao-Zhen et al. “The Relationship of Omega-3 Fatty Acids with Dementia and Cognitive Decline: Evidence from Prospective Cohort Studies of Supplementation, Dietary Intake, and Blood Markers.” The American journal of clinical nutrition vol. 117,6 (2023): 1096-1109. doi:10.1016/j.ajcnut.2023.04.001

[12] Lin, Pao-Yen et al. “A meta-analytic review of polyunsaturated fatty acid compositions in patients with depression.” Biological psychiatry vol. 68,2 (2010): 140-7. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2010.03.018

[13] Nagano, Mayumi et al. “Reduction of depression and anxiety by 4 weeks Hericium erinaceus intake.” Biomedical research (Tokyo, Japan) vol. 31,4 (2010): 231-7. doi:10.2220/biomedres.31.231

The NeuroDose by Onjae Malyszka

Think clearer, focus longer, and feel happier with cutting-edge, research-backed health strategies. Dive into psychedelics, natural medicine, and biohacking, where modern science meets ancient wisdom for peak performance!

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